Home Economics

Programme Offered B. A (English Marathi Paliprakrit History Geography Economics Political Sci Sociology Home Economics Cooperation )


Ramkrushna Mahavidyalaya, Darapur is started in the year 2000. As the college aimed at the social and complete development of the students Home economics is started in the college in the same year. Home economics is the profession and field of study that deals with the economics and management of the home and community. Home economics is a field of formal study including such topics as consumer education, institutional management, interior design, home furnishing, cleaning, handicrafts, sewing, clothing and textiles, commercial cooking, cooking, nutrition, food preservation, hygiene, child development, managing money, and family relationships. This teaches students how to properly run a family environment and make the world a better place for generations to come.Sexual education and drug awareness might be also covered, along with topics such as fire prevention and safety procedures. It prepares students for homemaking or professional careers, or to assist in preparing to fulfill real-life responsibilities at home. It is taught in secondary schools, colleges and universities, vocational schools, and in adult education centers; students include women and men.


The Aim of Home-Economics

The study of Home-Economics aimed to enhance Students artistic view, create the interest of students regarding house hold work and interior decoration, impart the knowledge to the diet and students should get interest in cooking and preparing the various recopies. To guide the students regarding premarital counseling, and motivate the Students for Self Employment


The Objectives of Home-Economics:

  • To introduce the students to the field of Home-Economics
  • To Create an awareness among the students about recourses and management in the family
  • To provide comprehensive knowledge of housing.
  • To Provide knowledge and develop skills regarding Principles and methods of interior decoration
  • To learn to apply various methods and techniques of work simplification
  • To Train the students for self employment
  • To gain knowledge on nutrients value of different foods.
  • To understand the classification of food as per their functionality
  • To Gain knowledge regarding Meal planning in diseased conditions.
  • To know and understand the nutritional needs of different age groups and special conditions.