
Programme Offered B. A (English Marathi Paliprakrit History Geography Economics Political Sci Sociology Home Economics Cooperation )


Ramakrushna Mahavidyalaya , Darapur  is started in year 2000. As the college aimed at the overall development of students. Communication keeps key role in all the aspects of life.A language is tool by using that a person can be able to communicate his feelings to another person. So for the purpose of communication a language is necessary. The position which a language occupies in other countries is largely determined by the cultural, political, economic position of its implanters and their quality of civilization and advancement made by them in the field of science and technology. It is being spoken by half of the population of the world at present. Now it has gained the status of international language. It has become lingua France of the people of the world. It is no longer the exclusive possession of English race. Now it is the language of international communication but English is practically a language of administration, science, literature and diplomacy. English possesses a rich vocabulary, variety of expression and rich literature and culture. William Shakespeare’s dramas are compendium of wisdom and knowledge. English helps us to understand and appreciate master minds not only of English but those of the other languages like Zola, Brlzrc, Tolstoy, Cervence, Bores Pastemack, Goete, Maxum Gorky, Dante, Aristotle, Scorates and such others.


English language has universal use and appeals as a language of science and technology. Developing and poor countries cannot afford to conduct independent research all the important fields of science such as agriculture, industry health and communications etc. These countries have a miserable low stage and standard of finance and scientist. They borrow largely from English, because it is source in all these fields. The rich English speaking nations conduct costly researches and poor nations easily borrow from them. Moreover fast developing science and technology in the field of space, computers etc go on coming and introducing new words which only English can absorb. In the medium of international communication, direct use of English by the most countries of the world has made it an effective medium of global intercommunication it enables us to make ourselves understandable to the world community and to establish direct association with the changes and developments taking place in the world around us at a rapid pace with any independence on translation apparatus.


English language is a living stream of world knowledge. Hence we can  not cut ourselves of this body of word knowledge by giving up the study of English we run the risk of knocking the bottom off our higher education for which we mainly draw upon its resource and hospitality. In case we lose contact with it, our standard of scholarship is surely to suffer badly.


Objectives Teaching English:

(A) The objective of teaching English has two main aspects:

(i) Language aspect: Words, sentences, pronunciation, spelling and grammar.

(ii) Literature aspect: Words, sentences, expressing ideas, feelings and experiences.

(B) The English language teaching has four objectives to develop four skills:

(i) Reading, (ii) Writing, (iii) Speaking and (iv) Listening.

(C) The English teaching also has two objectives:

(I) Skill objectives include:

  • To develop the skill of speaking,
  • To develop the skill of reading,
  • To develop the skill of writing,
  • To develop the skill of listening,
  • To enable the students for the use of grammar correctly,
  • To enable the students to analyze the element of language and establish the appropriate relationship among linguistic components.

(II) Cognitive objectives include:

  • To acquire knowledge,
  • To diagnose the weakness of speaking and writing English,
  • To compare and illustrate linguistic components,
  • To classify the elements of English language,
  • To understand the meaning of prose, poetry, story and drama by reading.

Keeping in view the English is being taught to the B.A. and B.Com students.